Reader Collection > Guides > Guide to Japanese Woodblock Prints of Flowers and Birds > Artists, Editors and Publishers



Published by the Reader Collection, Ontario Canada, 2014,

ISBN 978-0-9937035-0-8



Chapter 4 – Artists, Editors and Publishers


4.1   Information about Artists, Editors and Publishers A-K


To address the question ‘who is the artist and when was the picture drawn?’, this chapter provides some information about each of 478 artists, book editors and publishers who produced flower-bird pictures.


   As a minimum, an individual’s first name, period of activity and stylistic school are given along with titles of any books authored or contributed to and the number of pictures included in this analysis. Additional information may include surname, dates of birth and death, signature and seal.


   There are a number of reasons why information as basic as surname is additional. First, some artists are known only from their name on a few pictures and this name is a first name rather than a surname. Second, artists often used an art-name instead of their true name. Third, publishers occasionally created imaginary artists to sell unauthorized copies of an artist’s work. Fourth, there is no comprehensive who’s-who book of Japanese printmakers. In Japan, art historians have paid less attention to documenting the life and work of printmakers than of painters because, until recently, printmaking was seen as strictly a commercial art whose products were inferior to those of painters and, therefore, less worth documenting. Starting in the late 1800s European and North American interest in Japanese prints encouraged historians to consider prints more seriously and to include printmakers in reference books about Japanese art. Books listed in section 6.1.12 of the Bibliography are a good starting point in a search for biographical information about flower-bird artists. These books are the primary source of biographic information presented below.


   Artists, editors and publishers are listed alphabetically below and by Kangxi radical number in Appendix 2. To see an example of an artist’s work, click on the word “picture”.


Aigai Takaku

靄厓 高久

●   1796 - 1843

●   author of Picture Album by Aigai [Aigai Gafu 靄厓画譜] (1880)

●   Nanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis

Aigai Takaku sig10 cleaned 3


Akira Shirahama

徴 白濱

●  1865-1927

●   author of Picture Album of the Japanese Approach for Secondary Grades [Chūtō Nihon Rin Gajō 中等日本臨畫帖] (1898), Picture Book for Secondary Grades [Chūtō Ehon 中等画本] (1900)

●   Nihonga style

●   5 pictures included in analysis



Akyio Onda

秋夫 恩田

Fujio Nishitani sig10 cleaned 1

●   1924-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis


Arisato Kitazume

有郷 北爪

●   active 1870s

●   author of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by a Talented Man  [Kachō Shinbutsu Gafu  花鳥人物画譜] (1879)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   4 pictures included in analysis



Atsushi Uemura

淳之 上村

●   1933-

●   Nihonga style

●   8 pictures included in analysis



Baikei Kaburagi

梅渓 鏑木

●   1750-1803

●   included in Picture Album by Celebrated Artists [Meika Gafu  名家畫譜] (1814)

●   Nanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Baioku Yamamoto

梅屋 山本

●   1822-?

●   author of Baioku Gafu [Picture Album by Baioku 梅屋畫譜] (1865)

●   Nanga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Bairei Kōno

楳嶺 幸野

●   1844-1895

●   author of  Picture Album of 100 Birds by Bairei [Bairei Hyakuchō Gafu 楳嶺百鳥畫譜] (1881), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Bairei [Bairei Kachō Gafu 楳嶺花鳥畫譜] (1883), Sketches for Artisans [Kōgyō Zushiki 工業図式] (1883), Picture Album of 100 Birds by Bairei (Sequel) [Bairei Hyakuchō Gafu (Zokuhen) 楳嶺百鳥畫譜(續編)] (1884), Picture Album by Bairei[Bairei Gafu 楳嶺畫譜] (1886), Moon on the 20th Night of the




Month [Inaka No Tsuki 亥中之月] (1889), One Hundred Varieties of Chrysanthemums by Bairei  [Bairei Kiku Hyakushū 楳嶺菊百種] (1891), Drawing Methods of Bairei [Bairei Gakan 楳嶺画艦] (1913)

●   included in Brocade of the Capital [Miyako No Nishiki 都の錦] (1891), Album of Pictures [Kaiga Chō 檜画帖] (1892), World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892), Refined Pictures of Flowers and Birds [Seikajō 精華帖] (1892),  Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Bairei [Bairei Kachō Gafu 楳嶺花鳥畫譜] (1893), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu 近世名家花鳥画譜] (1898)

●   Nihonga style

●   247 pictures included in analysis 


Baison Okada

楳邨 岡田

●   1864-1913

●   Nihonga style

●  2 pictures included in analysis



Bakufū Ohno

麦風 大野

●   1888-1976

●   Nihonga style

●   18 pictures included in analysis



Beisen Kubota

米僊 久保田

●   1852-1906

●   author of Picture Album by Beisen [Beisen Gajō 米僊画帖] (1900)

●   included in World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   4 pictures included in analysis



Benji Asada

辧次 麻田

●   1899-1984

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Bihō Takahashi

美邦 高橋

●   1873-?

●   Nihonga style

●   6 pictures included in analysis



Bummei Oku

文鳴 奧

●   ?-1813

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Bumpō Kawamura

文鳳 河村

●   1779-1821

●   author of Picture Album by Bumpō [Bumpō Gafu 文鳳畫譜] (1807)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Bunchō Tani

文晁 谷

●   1763-1840

●   author of Picture Album by Bunchō [Bunchō Gafu 文晁畫譜] (1807)

●   editor of Tani Bunchō’s  Complete Collection of Japanese  Painting [Tani Bunchō Honchō Gasan Taizen 谷文晁本朝畫簒太全]  (1830s)

●   Nanga style

●   18 pictures included in analysis



Bunkō Yamada

文厚 山田

●   1846-1902

●   included in World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Bunkyo Nomura

文擧 野村

●   1854-1911

●   author of Album of New Brush Paintings [Shin Mōhitsu Gajō 新毛筆畫帖] (1899)

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Bunrei Katō

文麗 加藤

●   1706-1782

●   author of Selection of Paintings by Bunrei [Bunrei Gasen 文麗画選] (1778)

●   Nanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Bunrei Maekawa

文嶺 前川

●   1837-1917

●   author of Picture Album by Bunrei [Bunrei Gafu 文嶺花鳥画譜] (1885)

●   included in World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   84 pictures included in analysis





●   active 1810s

●   included in Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥畫譜] (undated)

●   Nanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Bunshō Nomura

文紹 野村

●   1816-?

●   author of Collection of Famous Pictures From All Ages [Kokon Meika Gaen 古今名家画苑] (1862)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   6 pictures included in analysis



Bunsui Sakakibara

文翠 榊原

●   1825-1909

●   included in Brocade of the Capital [Miyako No Nishiki 都の錦] (1891)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Bun’yu Kokubu

文友 国分

●   1823-1900

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Chieko Ishida

千恵子 石田

●   active late 1900s

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Chikanobu Kanō

周信 狩野

●   1660-1728

●   Kanō style

●   4 pictures included in analysis



Chikanobu Toyohara

周延 豊原

●   1838-1912

●   author of Twelve Prints in Sequence [Jūni hito-e 十二ひと絵] (1897-98)

●   Nihonga style

●   12 pictures included in analysis

Chikanobu Toyohara sig10 3


Chikudō Kishi

竹堂 岸

●   1826-1897

●   included in Picture Album of Japan [Nihon Gafu 日本畫譜] (1891), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu 近世名家花鳥画譜] (1898)

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Chikugai Himejima

竹外 姫島

●   1840-1928

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Chikuseki Yamamoto

竹石 山本

●   1881-?

●   Nihonga style

●   7 pictures included in analysis



Chikushin Shōji

竹真 圧司

●   1854-1936

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Chikutō Nakabayashi

竹洞 中林

●   1776-1853

●   author of Picture Album by Yūsai [Yūsai Gafu 融齋畫譜] (1846), Picture Album of Birds and Insects by Chikutō [Chikutō Chōchū Gafu 竹洞鳥蟲画譜] (1882)

●   Nagasaki style

●  10 pictures included in analysis



Chinnen Ōnishi

椿年 大西

●   1792-1851

●   author of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gajō 花鳥画帖] (1819), Picture Album by Sonan [Sonan Gafu 楚南画譜] (1834)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Chinzan Tsubaki

椿山 椿

●   1801-1854

●   author of Picture Album by Takukadō [Takukadō Gafu 琢華堂畫譜] (1880), Picture Album by Chinzan [Chinzan Gafu 椿山畫譜] (1880)

●   included in Album of Painting and Calligraphy [Shogafu 書画譜] (1882)

●   Nanga style

●   5 pictures included in analysis



Chisa Takemura

千佐 武村

●   active 1890s

●   author of the picture album entitled Iyōchō [ 依様帖] (1895)

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



aChizuko Yoshida

千鶴子 吉田

●   1924-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis


Choki Momokawa (or Eishōsai)

長喜 百川 (栄松斎)

●   ?-1805

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Chōsei Miwa

晁勢 三輪

●   1901-1983

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis

Chosei Miwa sig10 2 small


Chūbei Nonomura

忠兵衛 野々村

●   active 1730s

●   author of Guide Picture Book of Kōrin [Kōrin Ehon Michishirube 光琳絵本道知辺] (1735)

●   Rinpa style

●   10 pictures included in analysis



Dairō Ishikawa

大浪 石川

●   1765-1817

●   editor of Picture Album of a Collection of Rare Paintings [Shūchin Gafu 聚珍畫譜] (1802)

●   Kanō style

●   10 pictures included in analysis



Dōun Nakazumi

道雲 中住

●   1858-1943

●   author of New Sketches by Dōun to Consider [Dōun Manga Shinzukō 道雲漫画新図考] (1910)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   8 pictures included in analysis



Eiichi Kobayashi (or Seisai)

英一 小林 (静斎)

●  1818-1848

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Eiichi Kotozuka

英一 琴塚

●   1906-1982

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   17 pictures included in analysis



Eiji Takahashi

詠而 高橋

●   active 1890s

●   editor of Album of Classic Patterns to Consider [Kodai Moyō Shikizukō 古代模様式図考] (1899)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Eikichi Miyake

英吉 三宅

●   active 1880s

●   author of Picture Album of One-Hundred Small Flowers, Birds, Beasts and Insects [Kachōjūchū Hyakutaisai Gafu 花鳥獣虫百体細画譜] (1889)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   26 pictures included in analysis



Einō Kanō

永納 狩野

●   1631-1697

●   included in A Collection of Famous Japanese and Chinese Paintings [Wakan Meigaen 和漢名畫苑] (1750)

●   Kanō style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Eisen Keisai (or Ikeda)

英泉 渓斎 (池田)

●   1790-1848

●   author of Bag of Brocades Picture Book [Ehon Nishiki No Fukuro 画本錦之嚢] (1828), Picture Album by Eisen [Eisen Gafu 英泉画譜] (1849), The Book of Keisai's Popular Pictures [Keisai Ukiyo Gafu 渓斎浮世画譜] (undated)


●   Ukiyo-e style

●   35 pictures included in analysis


Eishi Hosada

栄之 細田

●   active 1756-1829

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Eitaku Kobayashi

永濯 小林

●   1843-1890

●   author of Picture Album of Models for Many Things [Banbutsu Hinagata Gafu 万物雛形画譜] (1880)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   11 pictures included in analysis



Eitoku Kanō

永徳 狩野

●   1543-1590

●   included in Banquet of Chinese and Japanese Paintings [Wakan Shūgaen 和漢衆畫苑] (1759)

●   Kanō style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Enjō Takata

円乗 高田

●   active 1810s

●   author of Essentials of Ancient Painting [Koga Yōran 古画要覧] (1812)

●   Nanga style

●   5 pictures included in analysis



Enryō Shikaidō

延陵 四海堂

●   active 1880s

●   author of Thicket of Pictures by Enryō [Enryō Gasō 延陵画草] (1882)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   5 pictures included in analysis



Fujimaro Hokki

藤麿 法吉

●   active 1810s

●   included in Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥畫譜] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Fujio Nishitani

富士雄 西谷

Fujio Nishitani sig10 cleaned 1

●   1930-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis


Fukō Matsumoto

楓湖 松本

●   1840-1923

●   editor of Picture Album of Japan [Nihon Gafu 日本畫譜] (1891)

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Fumio Kitao

文雄 北岡


●   1918-2007

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis


Fumito Harada

文人 原田

●   active 1890s

●   author of  picture book entitled Kanamegusa [ 嘉なめ草] (1896)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Fumiyuki Noda

文行 野田

●   active 1880s

●   author of Drawings for All Artisans [Banshoku Zushiki 萬職図式] (1880) 

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   11 pictures included in analysis



Fusatane Utagawa

房種 歌川

●   active 1850-1890

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   8 pictures included in analysis



Fuyō (or Eishō) Narazaki

扶陽 (栄昭) 楢崎

●   1864-1936

●   Nihonga style

●  2 pictures included in analysis




Gabimaru Gessai

峨眉丸 月斎

●   1775-1824

●   author of Glorious Jewels Mirrored in Drawings [Eigyoku Gakan 栄玉画鑑] (1798),

●   Kanō style

●  1 picture included in analysis



Gahō Hashimoto

雅邦 橋本

●   1835-1908

●   author of Brush Paintings of Calligraphy and Painting [Shōgaku Mōhitsuga 小學毛筆畫] (1899), Drawing Book of Brush Paintings for Secondary Grades [Chūto Mōhitsu Gajō 中等毛畫帖]  (1902)

●   Nihonga style

●   8 pictures included in analysis



Gakusui Ide

岳水 井出

●   1899-1992

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Ganku Kishi

岸駒 岸

●   1749/56-1838

●   included in Album of Aesthetic Pictures by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Shūbi Gafu 近世名家聚美画譜] (1894), Picture Album of 100 Fan Paintings by Celebrated Masters [Meika Hyakusen Gafu 名家百扇画譜] (1896)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Gekkō Ogata

月耕 尾形

●   1859-1920

●   author of Garden of Paintings by Gekkō [Gekkō Gahō 月耕画圃] (1899), Sketches by Gekkō [Gekkō Manga 月耕漫画] (1900)

●   Nihonga style

●   7 pictures included in analysis



Gekkō Tanaka

月郊 田中

●   ?-1892

●  included in Picture Album by Celebrated Artists [Meika Gafu 名家畫譜] (1913)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis

Gekko Tanaka sig10 cleaned 3


Genki Komai

源埼 駒井

●   1747-1797

●   included in From the Heart [Kokoro no Nezashi 心の根ざし] (1793), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Various Famous Painters [Sho Meika Kachō Gafu 諸名家花鳥画譜] (1898)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Genroku Nishimura

源六 西村

  ●   active 1810s

●   publisher of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥畫譜] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e and Nanga styles

●   10 pictures included in analysis



Gentai Watanabe

玄對 渡辺

●   1749-1822

●   author of Picture Album by Gentai [Gentai Gafu 玄對畫譜] (1805)

●   Nagasaki style

●   2 pictures included in analysis




Gen’ya Kanō

玄也 狩野

●   active mid-1500s

●   included in Tani Bunchō's Complete Collection of Japanese Paintings (2nd series) [Tani Bunchō Honchō Gasan Taizen (Kōhen) 本朝畫簒太全 (後編)] (1892)

●   Kanō style

●   1 picture included in analysis



aGessai Fukui 

月齋 福井

●   active 1890s  

●   editor of Pictorial Models of Flowers and Birds by Keinen [Keinen Kachō Gakan 景年花鳥画鑑] (1892), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Keibun [Keibun Kachō Gafu 景文花鳥画譜譜]  (1892, 1894), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Bairei [Bairei  Kachō Gafu 楳嶺花鳥畫譜] (1893), Picture Album by Kōrin [Kōrin Gafu 光琳画譜] (1893), Picture Album of Several Old Famous Painters [Chūko Shomeika Gafu 中古諸名家画譜] (1893), Picture Album by Kōrin (Sequel) [Kōrin Gafu (Kōhen) 光琳画譜(後編)] (1894), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Tsunenobu [Tsunenobu Kachō Gafu 常信花鳥画譜] (1894), Picture Album by Hōitsu [Hōitsu Gafu 抱一画譜] (1894), Album of Aesthetic Pictures by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Shūbi Gafu 近世名家聚美画譜] (1894), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Shōkei [Shōkei Kachō Gafu 松渓花鳥画譜] (1895), Album of Aesthetic Pictures by Old Famous Painters  [Chūko Meika Shūbi Gafu 中古名家聚美画譜] (1895), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Kanō Tsunenobu (Sequel) [Kanō Tsunenobu Kachō Gafu (Kōhen, Zokuhen) 狩野常信花鳥画譜 (後編, 續編)] (1895), Album of the Twelve Months by Kanō Tsunenobu [Jūni Getsu Kanō Tsunenobu Gafu 十二月狩野常信画譜] (1896), Drawing-Book of Flowers and Birds by Various Masters [Sho Taika Kachō Gafu 諸太家花鳥畫譜] (1896), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Various Famous Painters [Sho Meika Kachō Gafu 諸名家花鳥画譜] (1898), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu 近世名家花鳥画譜] (1898), Twelve Pictures by Kōrin [Kōrin Jūni Zu  光琳十二] (1890s), Album of Aesthetic Pictures by Ōkyo [Ōkyo Shūbi Gafu 応挙聚美画譜] (1890s)     

●   Kanō, Rinpa, Nagasaki, Maruyama-Shijō, Nihonga styles

●   142 pictures included in analysis


Gesshō Chō 

月樵 張

●   1772-1832

●   author of Sequel to the Koya Library [Zoku Koya Bunko  続姑射文庫] (1798), Thicket of Pictures without Shapes [Fukei Gasō 不形画薮] (1817), First Bird-call of the Year [Hatsu Suzuri はつすゝり] (1821)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   10 pictures included in analysis



Gessō Yoshimoto 

月荘 芳本

●   1881-1936

●   Nihonga style

●   41 pictures included in analysis




Gidō Wakizaka

義堂 脇坂

●   ?-1818

●   author of Record of a Teacher’s Ethical Teachings  (Third Series) [Shingaku Kyōyu Roku (Sanhen) 心学教諭録 (三編)] (1844)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



aGinkō Adachi 

吟光 安達

●   active 1870-1900s

●   author of Flowers and Birds of the Four  Seasons [Shiki Kachō Gafu 四季花鳥画譜] (1891), Picture Album by Ginkō [Ginkō Gafu 吟光畫譜] (1891), Sketches by Ginkō [Ginkō Manga 吟光漫畫] (1891, 1902), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥画譜] (1898), Picture Album of Flowering Plants [Sōka Gafu 草花画譜] (1898), One Hundred Brush Paintings [Mōhitsu Hyakuzu 毛筆百圖] (1899)

●   Nihonga style

●   67 pictures included in analysis 


Gintarō Higuchi

銀太郎 樋口

●   active 1890s

●   author of Pictures of Common Birds for Education [Kyōiku Chōrui No E 教育鳥類の画] (1890)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   8 pictures included in analysis




Gogyō Miyake

呉暁 三宅

●   1864-1919

 ●   included in Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu 近世名家花鳥画譜] (1898), Picture Album by Famous Artists [Meika Gafu  名家畫譜] (1913)

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Gokyō Kobayashi

呉嶠 小林

●   1871-1929

●   included in Flowers of the Ages [Miyo No Hana 御代の花] (1892), Picture Album by Famous Artists [Meika Gafu  名家畫譜] (1913)

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Gorō Imae

五郎 今江

●   active 1890s

●   author of Painting Style for Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gashiki 花鳥畫式] (1892)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   25 pictures included in analysis



Gorō Kumagai

吾良 熊谷


●   1932-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis


Gosei Sunayama

五清 砂山

●   active 1810s

●   included in Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥畫譜] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Goshichi Harukawa

五七 春川

●   active 1776-1825

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis




Goshū Ishikura

五洲 石倉

●   active 1890s

●   author of Drawing Methods [Gakan 畫鑑] (1895)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis




aGoshun Matsumura 

呉春 松村

●   1752-1811

●   included in Drawing Methods for Aesthetic Pictures [Shūbi Gakan 聚美畫鑑] (1889), World of Art (Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892), Drawing-Book of Flowers and Birds by Various Masters [Sho Taika Kachō Gafu 太家花鳥畫譜] (1896), Picture Album of 100 Fan Paintings by Celebrated Masters [Meika Hyakusen Gafu 名家百扇画譜] (1896)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   8 pictures included in analysis


Goyō Hashiguchi

五葉 橋口

●   1880-1921

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis




Gyōbu Tosa

刑部 土佐

●   active early 1500s

●   included in A Collection of Famous Japanese and Chinese Paintings [Wakan Meigaen 和漢名畫苑] (1750)

●   Tosa style

●   1 picture included in analysis




Gyokuden Murase

玉田 村瀬

●   1852-1917

●   included in World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892), Album of Pictures [Kaiga Chō  檜画帖] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   4 pictures included in analysis



Gyokuei Nabeta

玉英 鍋田

●   1847-?

●   author of Picture Album of Flowers and Bird Brush Paintings [Mōhitsu Kachō Gajō 毛筆花鳥畫帖] (1899)

●   Nihonga style

●   11 pictures included in analysis



Gyokujun Hasegawa

玉純 長谷川

●   1864-1921

●   included in Flowers of the Ages [Miyo No Hana 御代の花] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Gyokuraku Kanō

玉楽 狩野

●  active 1550-1590

●   Kanō style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Gyokusen Mochizuki

玉泉 望月

●   1834-1913

●   author of Picture Lessons by Gyokusen [Gyokusen Shūgajō 玉泉習畫帖] (1891)

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Gyokushi Atomi

玉枝 跡見

●   1859-1943

●   included in Picture Album of Japan [Nihon Gafu 日本畫譜] (1891)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis




aGyokushō Kawabata

玉章 川端

●   1842-1913

●   author of New Album of Brush Paintings [Mōhitsu Shin Gajō 毛筆新画帖] (1897), One Hundred Subjects for Lessons in Painting [Shūga Hyakudai  習畫百題] (1898), New Picture Lessons for Secondary Grades [Shinsen Chūtō Shūgachō 新撰中等習畫帖] (1904)

●   included in Forest of Paintings For All Ages [Kokon Garin 古今畫林] (1891-2)

●   Nihonga style

●  11 pictures included in analysis



Gyokushū Fujii

玉洲 藤井

●   active 1890s

●   author of Picture Lessons by Gyokushū [Gyokushū Shūgachō 玉洲習畫帖] (1906)

●   included in Flowers of the Ages [Miyo No Hana 御代の花] (1893), Picture Album by Famous Artists [Meika Gafu  名家畫譜] (1913)

●   Nihonga style

●   4 pictures included in analysis



Gyokusuisai Fujiwara Yoshikane

玉翠齋 藤原 義包

●   active 1760s

●   author of Selected Essentials of Painting [Gazu Senyō 画圖撰要] (1766)

●   Kanō style

●   8 pictures included in analysis





●   active late 1800s

●   author of Pictures of Plants, Flowers and Birds [Sōmoku Kachō Zue艸木華鳥図会] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   25 pictures included in analysis





●   active early 1900s

●   Nihonga style

●   13 pictures included in analysis




Hakuhan Yawata

白帆 八幡

●   1873-1957

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Hakurei Sakurai

白嶺 櫻井

●   active 1890s

●    included in World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai  美術世界] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Hanko Kajita

半古 梶田

●   1870-1917

●   author of Weeping Willow [Shidare Yanagi しだれ柳] (1894)

●   Nihonga style

●   9 pictures included in analysis



Hanzan Matsukawa

半山 松川

●   1818-1882

●   author of Picture Album by Hanzan [Hanzan Gafu 半山畫譜] (1894)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Hanzō Matsuzaki

半造 松嵜

●   active 1880s

●   author of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥畫譜] (undated)

●   Kanō style

●   9 pictures included in analysis



Harumi Momose

晴海 百瀬

●   active 2000s

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Harunobu Suzuki

春信 鈴木

●   1724-1790

●   author of Picture book by Tokitsukaze [Ehon Tokitsukaze 繪本時津風] (1760s)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   7 pictures included in analysis



Hasui Kawase

巴水 川瀬

●   1883-1957

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis




 Heihachirō Fukuda

平八郎 福田

●   1892-1974

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Heizaemon Endō

平左衛門 遠藤

●   active 1880s

●    publisher of Picture Album of Brush Paintings of Wildlife [Chōjū Mōhitsu Gafu 鳥獣毛筆畫譜] (1889 )

●   Kanō style

●   21 pictures included in analysis



Hidemaro Kitagawa

秀麿 喜多川

●   active early 1800s

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Hirokazu Fukuda

裕一 福田

●   1944-2004

●   Nihonga style


●   2 pictures included in analysis


Hiromasa Utagawa

廣昌 歌川

●   active 1810s

●   included in Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥畫譜] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Hiroshi Tomihari

広司 富張


●   1936-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis


Hiroshi Yoshida

博 吉田

●   1876-1950

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Hiroshige Utagawa

広重 歌川

●   1797-1858

●   author of Picture Album in Cursive Style [Sōhitsu Gafu 草筆画] (1848), One Hundred Simplified Drawings by Ryūsai [Ryakuga Ryūsai Hyakuzu 略画立斎百図] (1858), Color Prints of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Nishiki-e 花鳥錦絵] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   481 pictures included in analysis



Hiroshige II Utagawa

広重 歌川 二代

●   1826-1869

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   18 pictures included in analysis



aHiroshige III Utagawa

広重 歌川 三代

●   1842-1894

●   author of Sketches by Ryūsai [Ryūsai Manga 立斎漫画] (1879), Paintings of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Dōga 花鳥同画] (undated), Glimpses of Newly Selected Flowers and Birds [Shinsen Kachō no Kei 新撰花鳥の景] (undated), Pictures of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Zue 花鳥圖會] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   67 pictures included in analysis



Hiroyoshi Ohshima

弘義 大島

Hiroyoshi Ohshima

●   active late 1900s

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis


Hisui Sugiura

非水 杉浦

●   1876-1965

●   author of Collection of Creative Designs by Hisui [Hisui Sōsaku Zuan Shū  非水創作圖案集] (1926)

●   Rinpa style

●   1 picture included in analysis



aHōbun Kikuchi

芳文 菊池

●   1862-1918

●   author of Picture Album by Hōbun [Hōbun Gafu 芳文畫譜] (1890)

●   included in Brocade of the Capital [Miyako No Nishiki 都の錦] (1891), World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892), Flowers of the Ages [Miyo No Hana 御代の花] (1893), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu 近世名家花鳥画譜] (1898)

●   Nihonga style

●   30 pictures included in analysis


Hodō Nishimura

蒲堂 西村

●   active 1930s

●   Nihonga style

●  10 pictures included in analysis



aHōitsu Sakai

抱一 酒井

●   1761-1828

●   author of One Hundred Pictures by Kōrin [Kōrin Hyakuzu 百図光琳] (1815)

●   included in Mirror of the Works of Priest Hōitsu [Hōitsu Shōnin Shinseki Kagami 抱一上人真蹟鏡] (1865), Drawing Methods [Gakan 画鑑] (1892), Album of Aesthetic Pictures by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Shūbi Gafu 近世名家聚美画譜] (1894), Picture Album of Designs by Ogata [Ogata Ryū 尾形流画譜] (1894)

●   Rinpa style

●   45 pictures included in analysis


aHokkei Hatsugorō (or Totoya)

北渓 初五郎 (魚屋)

●   1780-1850

●   author of Kyōka and One Hundred Flowers and Birds [Kyōka Hyakkachō 狂歌百花鳥] (1830), Collection of Kyōka on the Flowers and Birds of Autumn [Shūgi Aki No Kachō Shū 衆議秋廼花鳥集] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

● 30 pictures included in analysis


Hokuba Arisaka (or Teisai)

北馬 有坂 (蹄斎)

●   1771-1844

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   4 pictures included in analysis



Hokuju Katsushika

北樹 葛飾

●   active 1850s

●   author of Picture Album by Hokuju [ Hokuju Gafu 北樹画譜] (1852)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Hokumei Inoue

北明 井上

●   active 1810s

●   author of Picture Album by Hokumei [Hokumei Gafu 北明画譜] (1818)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis




aHokusai Katsushika

北斎 葛飾

●  1760-1849

●   author of  Individual Verses [Hitori Hokku  独発句] (1808), Sketches by Hokusai [Hokusai Manga 北斎漫画] (1812-19), A Quick Lesson in Simplified Drawing [Ryukaga Hayaoshie 略画早指南] (1812), Hokusai’s Style of Drawing [Hokusai Gashiki 北斎画式] (1819), Free Sketches by Hokusai [Hokusai Soga 北斎麁画] (1820), A Competition of Inscriptions and Flower-and-Bird Pictures [Kachō Gasan Uta-awase 花鳥 画賛歌合] (1828), The Illlustrated Communication of Home Precepts [Ehon Teikin Ōrai 繪本庭訓往來] (1828), One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji [Fugaku Hyakkei 富嶽百景] (1834), New Models by Hokusai [Hokusai Shin Hinagata  北斎新雛形] (1836), Picture book of a Selection of Tang Poetry [Tōshisen Ehon 唐詩選 画本] (1836), Collection of Pictures by Hokusai [Hokusai Gaen  北斎画苑] (1843), Hokusai's Book of Quick Sketching [Hokusai Manga Haya-shinan 北斎漫画早指南] (1845), Picture Album by Hokusai [Hokusai Gafu 北斎画譜] (1849), Hokusai’s Drawing Methods [Hokusai Gakan 北斎画鑑] (1858), Hokusai’s Style of Drawing [Hokusai Zushiki 北斎図式] (1882), Pictures of Hokusai's Models for Artisans (First Series) [Shoshoku Hinagata Hokusai Zushiki (Shohen) 諸職雛形北斎図式. (初編)] (1882), Picture Album by Hokusai ( first series) [Hokusai Gazu (shohen) 北斎画圖 (初編) ] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   101 pictures included in analysis


Hokuun Katsushika

北雲 葛飾

●   active 1820s

●   author of Sketches by Hokuun [Hokuun Manga 北雲漫画] (1824)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Hōshun Yamaguchi

蓬春 山口

●   1893-1971

●   Nihonga style

●   5 pictures included in analysis


Hoshun Yamaguchi sig10 cleaned 3




●   early 1900s

●   imaginary artist created by a publisher to avoid copyright and  sell copies of pictures by other artists 

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Hyakki San'emon (or Komatsuya)

百亀 三右衛門 (小松屋)

●   1720-1793

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   3 pictures included in analysis


Hyakunen Suzuki

百年 鈴木

●   1825-1891

●   author of Method of Painting [Gahō Sentei 画法筌蹄] (1880)

●   Nanga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis




Ichiga Oki

一峨 沖

●   1798-1855

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis




Ikyō Ishizaka

彝教 石坂

●   active 1830s

●   included in Outline of the Mountains of Nikkō [Nikkō San Shi 日光山志] (1837)

●   Nagasaki style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Inshō Dōmoto

印象 堂本

●   1891-1975

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis




Ippō Hanabusa

蜂 英

●   1691-1760

●   author of Book of Pictures [Ehon Zuhen 畫本圖編] (1751), Drawing Book by Hanabusa [Eishi Gahen 英氏画編] (1754)

●   Kanō style

●   6 pictures included in analysis



Isai Katsushika

為斎 葛飾

●   1821-1881

●   author of Minute Drawings of Flowers and Birds and Landscapes  [Kachō Sansui Saiga Zushiki 花鳥山水細画 図式] (1861-65), Quick Pictorial Dictionary of Landscapes, Flowers and Birds [Sansui Kachō Hayabiki Manga 山水花鳥早引漫畫] (1880)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   6 pictures included in analysis



Issei Nomura

一生 野村

●   1922-

●   Nihonga style

●   5 pictures included in analysis




Issui Ogino

一水 荻野

●   active 1900s

●   author of Sketches of Practical Use [Ōyō Manga 応用漫畫] (1903), One Hundred Decorative Designs [Zuan Hyakudai )案百題] (1910)

●   Rinpa style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



aItchō Hanabusa

一蝶 英

●   1652-1724

●   included in A Collection of Famous Japanese and Chinese Paintings [Wakan Meigaen 和漢名畫苑] (1750), Book of Pictures [Ehon Zuhen 畫本圖編] (1751), Picture Album by Itchō [Itchō Gafu 一蝶画譜] (1770), One Hundred Paintings from the Brush of Hanabusa [Eihitsu Hyakuga 英筆百畫] (1773), Selected Paintings of a Swarm of Butterflies [Gunchō Gaei 群蝶畫英] (1778)

●   Kanō style

●   14 pictures included in analysis


Itsujirō Miwa

逸次郎 三輪

●   active 1890s

●   author of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds a Manual for Artisans [Shoshoku Hikkei Kachō Gafu 諸職必携花鳥畫譜] (1890)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   16 pictures included in analysis



Iwajirō Terada

岩次郎 寺田

●   active 1890s

●   editor of Picture Album of Designs by Ogata [Ogata Ryū 尾形流画譜] (1894)

●   Rinpa style

●   12 pictures included in analysis

Iwajiro Terada sig10


Iwao Akiyama


●   1921-

Iwao Akiyama sig 2 1

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   4 pictures included in analysis


Jakuchū Itō

若冲 伊藤

●   1716-1800

●   included in Album of Aesthetic Pictures by Old Famous Painters [Chūko Meika Shūbi Gafu中古名家聚美画譜] (1895)

●   Nagasaki style

●   8 pictures included in analysis



Jihee Tanaka

治兵衛 田中

●   active 1890s

●   editor of Brocade of the Capital [Miyako No Nishiki 都の錦] (1891)

●   Nihonga style

●   6 pictures included in analysis




Jippo Araki

十畝 荒木

●   1872-1944

●   author of  Girl’s Practice Album of Brush Painting [Joshi Mōhitsu Etehon 女子毛筆繪手本] (1905), Girl’s Album of Brush Painting [Joshi Mōhitsu Gajō 女子毛筆畫帖] (1909)

●   Nihonga style

●   4 pictures included in analysis




Jiroemon Ueki

次郎右衛 植木

●   active 1890s

●   editor of Forest of Paintings For All Ages [Kokon Garin 古今畫林] (1891-2)

●   Nihonga style

●   4 pictures included in analysis




●   active early 1900s

●   Nihonga style

●   6 pictures included in analysis





●   active early 1900s

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis




Jūkusai (or Eizan) Kikukawa

重九斎 (英山菊川

●   1787-1867

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Jūsui Shimokōbe

拾水 下河辺

●   active 1764-1789

●   illustrator for A New Compilation of an Illustrated Encyclopedia for the People with Head Notes [Zōho Kashiragaki- Kinmō Zui Taisei  増補頭書訓蒙図彙大成] (1789)

●   Kanō style

●   24 pictures included in analysis



Kagai Nemoto

霞外 根本

●   1899-1975

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kagei Tatebayashi

何帛 立林

●   active 1740-50

●   author of Sketches by Kōrin [Kōrin Manga光琳漫画] (1817)

●   Rinpa style

●   9 pictures included in analysis



Kagematsu Utagawa

景松 歌川

●   active1830-40s

●   author of Practice Book of Brush Painting [Mōhitsu Etehon 毛筆畫手本] (undated)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   8 pictures included in analysis



Kagen (or Fukuzensai) Niwa

嘉言 (福善齋) 丹羽

●   1742-1786

●   author of  Picture Album by Fukuzensai [Fukuzensai Gafu 福善齋畫譜] (1781)

●   Nagasaki style

●   4 pictures included in analysis

Kagen Niwa sig10


Kajō Matsuda

霞城 松田

●   1859-1931

●   author of Intensive Training in the Art of Painting [Sokusei Gahō 速成画法] (1908), Album of Picture Lessons by Kajō [Kajō Shūgajō霞城習畫帖] (1914)

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Kakō Tsuji

華香 都路

●   1870-1931

●   Nihonga style

●   6 pictures included in analysis



Kakudō Yabu

鶴堂 八生 or

Yoshiaki Shioji

義明 塩路

●   active 1830s

●   author of Picture Album by Kakudō [Kakudō Gafu 鶴堂画譜] (1835)

●    Maruyama-Shijō style

●   6 pictures included in analysis



Kakunen Tsuruoka 

●   1892-1977

 ●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis





Kan Kozaki

 侃 小崎

●   1942-


●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   4 pictures included in analysis


Kan’ei Nishiyama

完瑛 西山

●   1833-1897

●   author of Picture Album by Kan’ei [Kan’ei Gafu  完瑛畫譜] (1886)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   6 pictures included in analysis



aKanpo Araki

寛畝 荒木

●   1831-1915

●   author of Practice Book of Brush Painting [Mōhitsu Etehon 毛筆繪手本] (1897)

●   included in Thicket of Paintings for All Ages [Kokon Garin 古今畫林] (1891), Picture Album of Japan [Nihon Gafu 日本畫譜] (1891), Album of Pictures [Kaiga Chō 檜画帖] (1892), World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   10 pictures included in analysis


Kanrin Okada

閑林 岡田

●   1775-1849

●   author of Picture Album by Kanrin [Kanrin Gafu 閑林画譜] (1845)

●   Nagasaki style

●   16 pictures included in analysis



Kansai Mori


●   1814-1894

●   included in Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu 近世名家花鳥画譜] (1898)

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis





●   active late 1800s

●   author of Drawing-Album for Beginners [Chigaku Gafu  稚學畫譜] (undated)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kaoru Kawano

薫 河野

●   1916-1965

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis





Kashū Numata

荷舟 沼田

●  1838-1901

●   author of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥畫譜] (1885), Picture Album of Bird Drawings [Shūchō Gafu 聚鳥畫譜] (1890)

●   Nihonga style

●   64 pictures included in analysis



Kason Suzuki

華邨 鈴木

●   1860-1919

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



aKatei Taki

和亭 瀧

●   1830-1901

●   author of Artistic Paintings from the Geng Hong Museum [Kōkyōkan Gashō 畊香館畫賸] (1884), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥畫譜] (1888), Models for Painting [Tansei Ippan 丹青一斑] (1894)

●   included in World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892)

●   Nagasaki and Nanga styles

●   38 pictures included in analysis


Katsugorō Inoue

勝五郎 井上

●   active 1890s

●   publisher of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds of Outstanding Skill [Myōgi Kachō Gafu 妙技花鳥画譜] (1890), Picture Album of Fine Arts [Bijutsu Gafu 美術畫譜] (1890), Picture Album of All Varieties of Natural Phenomenon [Banshō Gafu 萬象畫譜] (1891)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   17 pictures included in analysis



Katsuzō Harada

勝三 原田

●   active 1880s

●   author of Picture Album of Mustard Seed Garden Paintings [Kokuga Kaishien Gafu 国画芥子園畫譜] (1881)

●   Kanō style

●   16 pictures included in analysis



Kazan Watanabe

華山 渡辺

●   1793-1841

●   author of Picture Album by Kazan [Kazan Gafu 華山画譜] (1907)

●   included in Album of Painting and Calligraphy [Shogafu 書画譜](1882)

●   Nanga style

●   10 pictures included in analysis



Kazuhiko Sanmonji

和彦 三文字


●   1945-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis


aKeibun Matsumura

景文 松村

●   1779-1843

●   author of Kinkado's Album of Drawings by Keibun [Keibun Kinkachō 景文錦華帖] (1898)

●   included in Collection of Pictures by Kyōto Artists [Keijō Gaen 京城画苑] (1814), Drawing Methods for Aesthetic Pictures [Shūbi Gakan聚美画鑑] (1889),  Refined Pictures of Flowers and Birds [Seikajō 精華帖] (1892), World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Keibun [Keibun Kachō Gafu 景文花鳥画譜] (1892, 1894), Album of Aesthetic Pictures by Old Famous Painters [Chūko Meika Shūbi Gafu 中古名家聚美画譜] (1895), Drawing-Book of Flowers and Birds by Various Masters [Sho Taika Kachō Gafu 諸太家花鳥畫譜] (1896), Picture Album of Flowers & Birds by Various Famous Painters [Sho Meika Kachō Gafu  諸名家花鳥画譜] (1898)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   59 pictures included in analysis




●   early 1900s

●   imaginary artist created by a publisher to avoid copyright and  sell copies of pictures by other artists 

●   Nihonga style

●   7 pictures included in analysis



Keigetsu Matsubayashi

桂月 松林

●   1876-1963

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis

Keigetsu Matsubayashi sig10


aKeinen Imao

景年 今尾

●   1845-1924

●   author of  Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Keinen [Keinen Kachō Gafu 景年花鳥画譜] (1885), Album of Picture Lessons by Keinen [Keinen Shūgajō 景年習画帖] (1906)

●   included in Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Keinen [Keinen Kachō Gafu 景年花鳥画譜] (1892), World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892), Flowers of the Ages [Miyo no Hana 御代の花] (1893), Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu 近世名家花鳥画譜] (1898), Picture Album by Celebrated Artists [Meika Gafu 名家畫譜] (1913)

●   Nihonga style

●   124 pictures included in analysis


Keizan Umemura

景山 梅村

●   1866-1934

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis

Keizan Umemura sig10 cleaned 2


Kenshin Yagi

兼辰 八木

●   active 1890s

●   author of Oriental Models [Tōyō Etehon

東洋畫手本] (1890)

●   Nihonga style

●   6 pictures included in analysis



Kibō Kodama

希望 児玉

●   1898-1971

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis




Kichidō Utsumi

吉堂 内海

●   1852-1925

●   included in World of Art [Bijutsu Sekai 美術世界] (1892), Picture Album by Celebrated Artists [Meika Gafu 家畫譜](1913)

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Kieko Tsurusawa 

紀恵子 敦沢

●   1942-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style


●   1 picture included in analysis


Kigyoku Kurokawa

亀玉 黒川

●   1732-1756

●   included in Tani Bunchō’s Complete Collection of Japanese Paintings [Tani Bunchō Honchō Gasan Taizen 谷文晁本朝画簒太全] (1891)

●   Nanga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kigyoku Nakano (or Seisei)

其玉中野 (晴晴)

●   active 1900s

●   author of Picture Album by Kigyoku [Kigyoku Gafu 其玉画譜] (1901)

●   Rinpa style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kihō Kawamura

埼鳳 河村

●   1778-1852

●   author of Picture Album by Kihō [Kihō Gafu 埼鳳画譜] (1827)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   5 pictures included in analysis



Kihō Mutobe

暉峰 六人部

●   1877-?

●   included in Picture Album by Celebrated Artists [Meika Gafu 名家畫譜] (1913)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kikuho Yanagisawa

菊圃 柳澤

●   active 1890s

●   included in Forest of Paintings for All Ages [Kokon Garin 古今畫林] (1891-2)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kimei Nakano (or Seisei)

其明 中野 (晴晴)

●   1834-1891

●   included in Album of Pictures [Kaiga Chō 檜画帖] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kinbee Yoshida

金兵衛 吉田

●   active 1880s

●   author of One-Brushstroke Picture Album [Ippitsu Gafu 一筆画譜] (1884)

●  Ukiyo-e style

●   4 pictures included in analysis



Kinpō Mochizuki

金鳳 望月

●   1846-1915

●   included in Later Life Album [Bansetsu Chō 晩節帖] (1894)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kinsui Takakuwa

錦水 高桑

●   active early 1800s

●   included in Picture Album by Celebrated Artists [Meika Gafu 名家畫譜] (1814)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kinzan (Shigeharu) Haruna

錦山 (繁春) 春名

●   1847-1913

●   author of Collection of Pictures of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gashū 花鳥畫集] (1905)

●   Nihonga style

●   25 pictures included in analysis





●   active 1830s

●   author of Remaining Sentiments of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Yojō 花鳥餘情] (1836)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Kiyochika Kobayashi

清親 小林

●   1847-1915

●   Nihonga style

●  5 pictures included in analysis




Kiyoharu Yamada

喜代春 山田

●   1948-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style


●   2 pictures included in analysis


Kiyomi Moji

きよみ 門司

●   1951-


●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   7 pictures included in analysis


Kiyosaku Furusawa

喜代作 古澤

●   active 1880s

●   editor of Album of Calligraphy and Paintings [Shogafu 書畫譜] (1882)

●   Nanga style

●   7 pictures included in analysis



Kiyoshi Awazu

潔 粟津

●   1929-2009


●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis


Kiyoshi Takizawa

清 滝澤

●   active 1870-1900s

●   author of Picture Album of Senryūdō [Senryūdō Gafu 潛龍堂画譜] (1879), Picture Album for Artisans [Shoshoku Gafu 諸職畫譜] (1881), Sketches of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Manga 花鳥漫画] (1888), Models for All Varieties of Natural Phenomenon Sketched from Real Life [Banshō Shasei Hinagata 萬象寫生雛形] (1908)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   76 pictures included in analysis



Kō Kishi

●   1929-

●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis


Kōchō Ueda

公長 上田

●   active 1850-60s

●   author of  Picture Album by Kōchō  [Kōchō Gafu  公長画譜] (1834), Picture Album by Kōchō Sequel [Kōchō Gafu (Nihen) 公長画譜 (二編)] (1850), Rapid Sketches by Kōchō [Kōchō Ryakuga 公長略画] (1863)

●    Maruyama-Shijō style

●   4 pictures included in analysis



Kōei Hashimoto

虹影 橋本

●   1899-1993

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Kōga Iijima

光峨 飯島

●   1829-1900

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Kōgyo Tsukioka

耕漁 月岡

●   1869-1927

●   Nihonga style

●   19 pictures included in analysis



Kōhō Ōuchi

香峰 大内

●   1941-


●   Sōsaku Hanga style

●  7 pictures included in analysis


Kōhō Shoda

耕峯 庄田

●   1875-1925?

●   Nihonga style

●   6 pictures included in analysis





Kōitsu Ishiwata

江逸 石渡

●   1897-1987

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis


Koitsu Ishiwata (Yoshimi)


Kōitsu Tsuchiya

光逸 土屋

●   1870-1949

●   Nihonga style

●   3 pictures included in analysis



Koji Shōsō

居士 鷦巣

●   active 1830s

●   author of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥画譜] (1832)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   13 pictures included in analysis


Kōkyō Taniguchi

香嶠 谷口

●   1864-1915

●   included in Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times [Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu 近世名家花鳥画譜] (1898)

●   Nihonga style

●   1 picture included in analysis



Konobu Hasegawa

小信 長谷川

●   active late 1800s

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   1 picture included in analysis



aKōrin Ogata

光琳 尾形

●   1658-1716

●   included in Guide Picture Book of Kōrin [Kōrin Ehon Michishirube 光琳絵本道知辺] (1735), One Hundred Pictures by Kōrin [Kōrin Hyakuzu 百図光琳] (1815), Korin's Style of Painting [Kōrin Gashiki 光琳画式] (1818), Flowers of the Ages [Miyo No Hana 御代の花] (1892), Picture Album by Korin [Kōrin Gafu 光琳 画譜] (1893), Picture Album by Kōrin (Sequel) [Kōrin Gafu (Kōhen) 光琳画譜(後編)] (1894), Twelve Pictures by Kōrin [Kōrin Jūni Zu  光琳十二] (1890s)

●   Rinpa style

●   38 pictures included in analysis


Koryūsai Isoda

湖龍斎 磯田

●   active 1765-1784

●   Ukiyo-e style

●  41 pictures included in analysis



Kōsa Urakawa

公佐 浦川

●   ?-1859

●   author of Picture book for Shortcuts (1st series) [Ehon Hayamanabi (Shohen) 画本早まなび (初編)] (1848)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   5 pictures included in analysis



Koshū Hatta

古秀 八田

●   1760-1822

●   author of Picture Album by Koshū [Koshū Gafu 古秀画譜] (1812)

●   Maruyama-Shijō style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Koson Ohara

古邨 小原

●   1877-1945

●   Nihonga style

●   193 pictures included in analysis




Kōtarō Yamada

光太郎 山田

●   active 1890s

●   editor of Flowers of the Ages [Miyo No Hana 御代の花] (1892)

●   Nihonga style

●   8 pictures included in analysis



Kōtei Fukui

江亭 福井

●   1856-1938

●   author of Picture Album of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Gafu 花鳥画譜] (1896)

●   Nihonga style

●   11 pictures included in analysis




Kōun Yamamoto

紅雲 山本

●   1896-1993

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis

Koun Yamamoto sig10 cleaned 3


Kōyō Nakagawa

光陽 中川

●   active 1930s

●   author of Drawings of Flowers and Birds [Kachō Zue 花鳥圖] (1930)

●   Rinpa style

●   19 pictures included in analysis



Kōzō Watanabe

光三 渡辺

●   active late 1900s

●   author of Twelve Recent Pictures [Kinsaku Jūni Zue 近作十二図] (undated)

●   Nihonga style

●   2 pictures included in analysis

image 225


Kumasaburō Shimizu

熊三郎 清水

●   active 1870s

●   author of Record of a Painting Collection by Chikusai [Chikusai Zōgaroku 竹斎蔵画録] (1879)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   11 pictures included in analysis



Kunimori Utagawa

國盛 歌川

●   active 1840s

●   author of Model Book for Popular Painting [Ukiyo Etehon 浮世畫手本] (1847)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   10 pictures included in analysis



Kunisada Utagawa

国貞 歌川

●   1786-1864

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   2 pictures included in analysis



Kunisada II Utagawa  

国貞二代 歌川

●   1823-1880

●   Ukiyo-e style

●  3 pictures included in analysis




Kunisato Utagawa

国郷 歌川

●   1797-1858

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   3 pictures included in analysis




Kunitsuna Utagawa

国綱 歌川

●   1805-1868

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   5 pictures included in analysis




Kyōikukai Kōtō

教育會 江東

●   active 1890s


●   editor of Picture Album of Flower and Bird Brush Paintings [Mōhitsu Kachō Gajō 毛筆花鳥画帖] (1897)

●   Nihonga style

●   13 pictures included in analysis


aKyōsai Kawanabe

暁斎 河鍋

●   1831-1889

●   author of Picture book of Falconry [Ehon Taka Kagami 絵本鷹かゞみ] (1879), Picture Album by Kyōsai [Kyōsai Gafu暁齋畫譜] (1880), Kyōsai's Drawing for Pleasure [Kyōsai Rakuga 暁斎楽畫] (1881), Discussion on Painting by Kyōsai [Kyōsai Gadan 暁斎畫談] (1887)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   16 pictures included in analysis


Kyōzō Yamada

恭三 山田

●   active 1930s

●   author of Next Collection of Flower and Bird Pictures by Kyōzō [Zoku Kyōzō Kachō Gashū 續恭三花鳥集] (1935)

●   Rinpa style

●   16 pictures included in analysis


Kyosan Yamada sig 10


Kyūjirō Sawa


●   active 1880s

●   editor of Models of Popular Painting [Ukiyo Etehon 浮世絵手本] (1887)

●   Ukiyo-e style

●   5 pictures included in analysis




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